First an Amateur...

 "Every artist was first an amateur" ...Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I have had this quote taped to my computer for years. It's smudged and  torn  from my repeated touching as if it were a talisman. If ever there were a time to truly understand its meaning... it is now.  It is a time that we all need encouragement and something to believe in that depends only on ourselves. Our self reliance and resilience have been called upon in so many ways that to ignore that call to creativity would be to start at a disadvantage. 

First of all to start this New Year of 2021, I am thankful having just been notified of this award :


You are a Judge's Pick winner of the December 2020 DPW Monthly Contest! 

"Sea Escape Series No.5"

5"H x 7"W

oil on panel 


Now back to the studio!


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