Beginnings & Endings...

SplitRock Falls has been a learning experience in painting as well as marketing.

 Repainted, framed, almost purchased, unframed, repainted and now...finished!
Such is the life of some paintings.They get placed against a wall for months even turned toward the wall in rejection only to be revisited from time to time because it nags the soul of a painter.The bare bones of the idea has always remained along with the vision and intent, but the painting took many revisions.
 I've learned to hashtag my "works in progress" ( #wip) so that my customers realize that changes may yet occur while posting on social media. I must give credit to  the outspoken yet gentle critique from one of my collectors for pointing me in the right direction on this one. An early version of this painting attracted her interest. After visiting my studio, not realizing that the work was still undergoing changes, she passed on its purchase, respecting my need to pursue my approach to the work and not compromise for the sake of a sale.  I think the extra work was worth it!

original version
final version


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