Preaching to the Choir?
You have updated your web site, increased your blogging, added Project Wonderful ads, Entrecard, Adsense, and an affiliate, increased your traffic........have you had a sale?
I ask this quite openly. I hope you will respond in kind.
Yesterday I was reading : Do You Want Traffic or Do You Want to Sell Art? by Clint Watson from Fine Art Views Daily Newsletter ISSUE #304 - (Sponsored by FineArtStudioOnline).
It stopped my clicking from site to site. I paused and thought about this question. I checked my newly available google analytics provided by my Artfire and Etsy shops.
Hmmm... 1 sale on Etsy, 0 from Artfire.
Are we simply talking to each other?Are we reaching outside of our "art circles" and talking to any buyers? Are we just preaching to the choir?
Your thoughts ,please.....(lol...and please click away on my sponsers ! )
I ask this quite openly. I hope you will respond in kind.
Yesterday I was reading : Do You Want Traffic or Do You Want to Sell Art? by Clint Watson from Fine Art Views Daily Newsletter ISSUE #304 - (Sponsored by FineArtStudioOnline).
It stopped my clicking from site to site. I paused and thought about this question. I checked my newly available google analytics provided by my Artfire and Etsy shops.
Hmmm... 1 sale on Etsy, 0 from Artfire.
Are we simply talking to each other?Are we reaching outside of our "art circles" and talking to any buyers? Are we just preaching to the choir?
Your thoughts ,please.....(lol...and please click away on my sponsers ! )