A passing thought...passed on

I found the following quote in the pile of papers I had the urge to sort. I must've saved it once and just rediscovered it. As we approach the end of this year and are about to begin another, I thought it was worth sharing as it was shared with me.
It was written awhile ago from a person that goes by the name of sasto65 on the painting forum from About. com in answer to another's question :
"Should you start painting in your 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 100?"
"I feel a person should start today. Each person has 24 hours, regardless of their age, to make choices about what to do with those hours. I try to think of a lifetime existing in a day. Considering each morning a birth and each night a death gives me an immediacy to my painting and everything else that truly matters to me. it rearranges priorities for me, because I cannot know if I will have another day. this may be it. How precious the moments become. I ask myself, if I were gone tomorrow, will I have done all I am capable of doing? When the answer is yes, I sleep well. It is neither too late nor too early to start. It is today, and today is for painting


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