Listen to yourself

Struggling lately with my work, yesterday's post seemed appropriate...just do it!I listened.
I dug out an old acrylic canvas and simply played. Acrylic is not my usual media, watercolor is. I struggle with paint that stays put. I am an intuitive painter.Rarely drawing in any elements, attacking swiftly with brush and going where the color flows. Yet that is exactly what was NOT taking place lately. Switching to the acrylic made me labor, think, placing each stroke, pushing the image into the canvas. I've done this before, knowing that the result I was striving for was not a finished painting but an opportunity to go outside of my comfort zone. It worked.....

This morning I pulled out a freshly prepared sheet of paper and let the watercolor flow.
I'll return to the acrylic ....but not now, I'll just go with the flow.


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