
I've been trying to get to this blog all day. I read Lisa Call's blog about getting on the Resolution Revolution band wagon. This idea was the subject of Christine Kane's

recent blog . Choose a word to be your touch stone during the up coming year rather than a list of New Year's resolutions. She had a list of word choice to think about and as I read through the selection "patience" seemed to be the word that resonated with me. In light of the recent addition of my elderly father to my household this choice will be repeated in my head 24/7.

I'm in the process of adjusting to the world of "slow down" that is so necessary to his care. Tonight I missed a marketing call that I had reserved weeks ago ( before Dad) with

smARTist Telesummit Dad needed me just then...patience... with him, myself . He is sleeping. Now, I'll paint,write and catch up to my day. It will be what it will be. There will be other calls . I shared an evening with Dad....patience..the art of love.


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