
I am definitely feeling overwhelmed! The holiday activity is now added to the everyday schedules. This blog has been quiet simply because I needed to paint in the studio! As I have stated before,the internet has provided quite a schooling in art marketing and ideas to get my paintings on line but at what point am I saturated with information? Alyson Stanfields has been invaluable but it has also led me to half a dozen sites that I'd love to get involved,but have even less opportunity to keep up on their maintenance, such as The struggle is often to keep focused on the work itself, not just the marketing. My bullentin board has grown crowded with upcoming due dates. This is not an unhappy problem ,rather a pressing need to keep focused and producing. I think my original background in the commercial art has given me that " deadline" mentality that seems at odds with the creative spirit. Painting faster may help keep my rep, galleries and show organizers happy but sometimes I need to just pause and.......breathe.

This is the latest block painted for distribution by


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