
I have been trying to get on a regular schedule of blogging. It's value has already been proven in an increase of traffic to my web site and in widening my links with the artists communities world -wide. Of note are recent articles and newsletters on blogging such as , the 9 reasons for blogging and particularly the numerous articles by Alyson Stanfield on blogging in
Reading about blogging and its benefits is encouraging however doing it on a regular basis,is
the struggle. I was never one to keep regular a journal , or even a daily sketch book.My best thoughts are run on sentences filled with "..." and sketches on scraps of paper have been masterpieces. So............blogging is just going to be a trail and error process for me until I feel comfortable with this format. I think the practice, will be worth it.I know that blogs by other artist have helped me connect with information in marketing ,supplies, and mutual understandings in the process of being an artist. So to other bloggers ,thank you for sharing. I hope you'll find my blogs informative and add them to your list in the near future!


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