Look Out Point
My upcoming show of mixed media works on paper will include my new acrylic work.
The show "Interprations" will be at Picture Perfect Gallery in Toms River,NJ.
This acrylic is 18x24 and will be on exhibit. All work will be for sale.
The show "Interprations" will be at Picture Perfect Gallery in Toms River,NJ.
July14th-27th....reception July 14th,6 -9 pm
It will be a joint effort with Bonny Lyttle .
Bonny is the owner of this gallery/frameshop and will be exhibiting her photographs from which I have been inspired and intrepreted her work in my own mixed media style.This acrylic is 18x24 and will be on exhibit. All work will be for sale.
For further information click on my web site's show & demo page.