Through out our careers as working artist,we strive to be known by our body of work. Be it subject matter, medium, or techniques,an effort is made to create a body of work that is cohesive and identifiable as "my work".Style, if it grows out of considerable experience and not just copying other artists discoveries, can boost as well as hamper our recognition amongst peers and collectors. I say this while struggling myself with a new direction that my work is showing. Much like a singer, adjusting, after a key has changed with a maturing voice, so too there has been change as my painting skills have matured causing adjustments of technique, materials and style. The hesitation in presenting changes in your work ,particularly when you have already succeeded with what came before, is daunting. One must bring an established clientele to accept a newer vision . Change,if slow,steady and logically brought about over time as an outgrowth of painting,instructing and exhibiting, see...